As I wrote above - a very small matrix with a huge number of megapixels. The result is a huge graininess even in daylight and sunlight. However, if you are not going to print pictures in large formats, you should not be afraid - after all, all of the above is noticeable only at the micro level, when viewing the picture at high magnification. Whereas with the macro parameters of the image - exposure, color reproduction, saturation, depth of focus - things are going well. Verdict: The modest functionality of the camera is offset by the presence of a powerful zoom lens. This is the strongest point of the Nikon L810. Both in terms of the width of the range, and the presence of a very wide angle in the range (from 23 equiv. Mm). It will do for macro and portraits, but for something more, a good matrix inside the device is clearly not enough. The new firmware 1.01 does not save the situation. I advise you to look at the more powerful model Nikon P500 or P510.