I ordered these so I can use small adapters and I have several brands but they are all quite small when it comes to plugging them into the USB-c cable I have . I use them, so now I have an adapter for every type of USB cable I need. All on one cable because I still have devices that still work with micro usb and mini usb lightning, the first ones I ordered are too big for us but I still managed to use the clamps, because I used two adapters each. I emailed Cozy when I got the first ones and explained that they were too big, he was very nice to let me know about the others and he sent me the sizing info so I thought I would the others try them out and see if they fit. it works and I would like to add that they did a very good job. Please do not take any cable adapters with you, these are all clamps that hold them to the cable. I understand they come in different sizes and you need to figure out what size you need to get the right ones. So if your adapter is about the same size as USB-C, they'll fit you just fine. They are very nice and willing to work with you to get the right ones if you make a mistake and order the wrong ones. Sometimes it really pays to be kind to people and they will help you in any way they can. I ordered both what they had so it only took me 2 times to fix them and now I know which ones I will need in the future. In fact, I just bought three more packs of these.