I had an old plastic gauge and decided on something more permanent. I saw that this product had good reviews and decided to give it a try. In general I am satisfied with them. I took out my set of drill bits and checked a few holes. Some holes were a little looser and others a little tighter. I think that's to be expected from something that's been stamped rather than lasered, especially at this price point. I had to clean out the 5 smallest holes with a suitably sized drill bit. As for the finishes, it is painted quite well with black paint and white print for the dimensions. That's right, I almost didn't receive this jig until I read that measurements are also stamped on it. The print will likely wear off with use, so it's nice to have stamped sizes. I'll have to wait and see how well the black color holds up over time. Also, it didn't have any sharp edges, which is good. If anyone thinks they are metric, they will be disappointed. There are no true metric bores, only metric equivalents of SAE sizes. It's not the same. I hang this on a pegboard, so it would be nice if the top hole was a bit bigger. Then he will attach a hook. I drilled it through with a 1/4" bit to fix this problem. Sure, I could just hang it from the 17/64" hole underneath, but why expose that hole to unnecessary wear and tear?