Even if outdoor bags are on it, I wouldn't put anything else on top of the box but leaves, like in the square trash can picture. We use these for our 34 gallon, 22 inch diameter trash can. If you scroll the image with the mouse, you can enlarge the photo with the dimensions of the bags by clicking on it. All 39 gallon trash bags are too small for our trash can. They are not as strong as construction bags. As long as they are available and affordable (I paid $32.70 in 2016 and $38.95 in 2017) I will continue to buy online, the nearest Costco is over 50 miles away. I like the fact that I don't have to buy weekly or monthly garbage bags. I bought them on August 3, 2016 and they lasted until September 24, 2017. They have curved edges which they call Smart Technology according to the product description, which basically means they have 4 curved edges at the top to make double binding easier. . They are packed in 2 tight rolls (50 each), sealed with static electricity, the bags are not perforated, you just pull them and they will move apart. We take out the trash once or twice a week and try to cut it down to once a week so it lasts about 2 years. Nothing has ever poked through from the inside, but my cat's claws can scratch from the outside. These are not flavored.
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