Got advantages: I first used the Xbox series X for a few weeks before selling it and purchasing a PS5. For eBay, I bought a prefix. At the time, the PS5 was extremely expensive (about $80,000), but I still had the option of purchasing a new Box, and Cyberpunk 2077 was included in the kit (at the time, no one really understood how unpolished this game is). I wanted to look at the next-generation platform. The technology is completely silent. Here it is in its entirety. Even at night in an absolutely silent room, you can't hear it. If you play many games at once or the console is being used by someone else, quick resume is a nice option. Even if many deserving games have been launched on the previous generation, there are now very few games that support all the features. Pros below: jolt the joystick's vibro. While the vibration on the PS5 is comparable to the taptic engine from iPhones, it is akin to the vibration of Chinese devices that cost $10,000. I truly can't think of any more problems with this console. Technically, it's almost faultless. I'm hoping they'll finish the controller and create some DualSense analogs so the console may have new colors!