Received the bags today. Fast delivery. While not as thick as other bags I've used, they shouldn't be. Bags that are too thick sometimes pose a problem when it comes to removing all the air. With a slightly thinner bag, the food preservation unit doesn't have to work as hard to get all the air out. The perfect thickness for almost everything. And if you're really obsessed with thicker bags, just double them up. They are so much cheaper than other bags that you can do it without wasting any money. I have used them on some meat and dry foods. They worked great. The bag turned into a brick. Another review said they lose their seal after a while. I don't understand how this can happen as the ends are ultrasonically fused to form a fairly thick seal across the width. So if you are having sealing issues I would check your food storage unit. Not bags. I will definitely order more of these. Can't beat the price.
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TerraKing Leaf Bag XL - Heavy Duty Material Collection System For Ride-On Lawnmowers - Fast & Easy Leaf Collection With Nylon Bottom (Fits 3-Bag Hood) [ST95033]
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