I had high hopes for these. The pictures looked swell. Lots of folks left great reviews.I hate returning stuff but unfortunately, I had to.Why?Each strap has a pad underneath. A foam thing covered by a nylon mesh. The problem is, the thickness of the pad prevents the strap from being pulled all the way through the loop and tightened. The pad hits and you can't pull it any tighter. The sandals flop around on my feet. It could actually be dangerous since you could catch the toe on an obstruction and fall on your loco cabeza.The foam pad is totally unnecessary. My old Tevas has nothing more than a plain strap. They tightened right up. No danger of tripping and falling with the Tevas.Another problem with the foam pads is that they'll retain foot sweat and breed bacteria. You could get a rash, or something worse.I'm buying another brand of sandals with just the plain nylon straps.