This is the kind of handbag I've dreamed of for a long time. It's very spacious, so it holds a lot of 'things'! The description on the product page for this wallet is correct. It's big enough to hold my iPad, wallet, phone, etc., among other things that I carry with me. The only downside for me is that it feels quite stiff, which is probably because it's not real leather. It's not a problem for me, but mostly I like the softer feel in my wallets. If you need a roomy bag but don't want to shell out the extra money for a leather bag, then this could be a good option. I chose the silver black color and it is very beautiful. However, the inside is made of a very dark material, so you can hardly see anything on the bottom of the bag. I also like the wrist strap that comes with the wallet as it is big enough to hold small items like cosmetics, medicines, etc. I would recommend this bag but be sure to read the product description and reviews before purchasing.
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