We are able to send out our daily reports that go directly into SalesForce without any issues! Also it allows us to pull up previous weeks data if needed for reporting purposes as well which makes my job easier because I don't have to search through hours by date all day long (which can be time consuming). Sometimes we would like more customization of options but other than this there isn't much dislikes about using legion at this point. If you're looking for an easy way to keep track of your schedule/hours then definitely consider hiring someone from legion or even getting one yourself so they will help guide you along the process. It has made keeping accurate records very simple since every report comes straight off of sales force onto ours. The only thing i dislike sometimes when pulling information over via Excel vs. direct link within sfceehr software its not always correct however having something set already helps make sure everything lines correctly before finalizing them later after adding additional info such as vacation.