Good price. Have used it to clean fridge coils and it has worked well. PROMPT; As others have pointed out, the device comes in three parts that fit into a section of flat tubing. The end of the vacuum nozzle is poorly designed and creates a constriction that becomes clogged with dirt where it enters the flat tube. I removed the vacuum nozzle and cut off the part that fits in the flat tube. I made a cut about 1/4 inch above the connector. I then removed the other end and inserted the flat tube into the hole in the vacuum nozzle so the flat tube would go into the vacuum nozzle instead of poking into the flat tube. (see diagram) I sealed it with electrical tape and the problem was solved. Don't cut too much as you want the tubing to be very tight as it goes through the vacuum nozzle. I used silicone spray to lubricate the hose and make it easier to thread.