I have a really minimalist wallet that's half the size. It holds 6 credit cards and has space in the middle for 5-6 bills. But I understand it's not for everyone. + Definitely smaller than a triple wallet + Enough slots for those key cards: driver's license, car insurance, credit card, work/fitness pass, rewards card-- It's very square compared to rectangular. quite wide at all ends and I find it difficult to fit into multiple jacket pockets or some pants. A slimmer, rectangular wallet is better for carrying around. The review of this product really hurt me. +RFID is a plus. I think. thin as a wallet and yet RFID protected. I'm increasing this rating to half a star + leather so it should last for many years. GENERAL INFORMATION: Male appearance. Instead of collecting 27 receipts that the average guy sticks in his wallet. Too bad it's so square that it's difficult to fit in pockets of different sizes.