This is a waste of money. Don't be fooled by the high price and the buzzwords in the product description, this is a very low quality product. Light kills germs, so that would be great, right?” Oh no. Bacteria and viruses need exposure to ultraviolet radiation for some time before they are truly harmless. In fact, some strains of bacteria need direct exposure to ultraviolet light for several hours before they become harmless. Unfortunately, the small UV lamp in this device does not work. The air will pass through the light in a few seconds or even milliseconds. The UV light will not illuminate the bacteria that pass through it long enough to produce real results. To make matters worse, some types of bacteria can be brought back to life even after proper disinfection with ultraviolet light. If you're expecting the smell to be eliminated, don't get your hopes up. The molecules that make up gases, odors and other volatile organic compounds are not solid, they simply float through the HEPA filter. - "Negative Ion Generator" "wow, fancy phrase, huh?" Well, if you do a little research, you'll quickly discover that ionizers don't actually eliminate pollutants. Rather than actually removing harmful particles, they simply stick to nearby surfaces like surfaces or even your breathing tube. Over time, this accumulation of pollutants leads to respiratory problems. - "The label on the HEPA filter should mean it's good." Based. To advertise an air purifier as HEPA, the filter just needs to contain some HEPA paper. The filter that comes with this unit is clearly not of the highest quality. The problem is that this filter is not sealed, so there is also a lot of dirty and unfiltered air going through the filter. There are no seals around the supplied filter. So the next time you turn the filter up, remember that about 20% of the air that comes out hasn't even passed through the filter. Fans will spin like crazy, spreading harmful particles throughout the house. For €170 it's really not worth it. The listing uses many catchy phrases. But in the end, advertising jargon doesn't help keep the air clean.
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