I'm always nervous after ordering something, then I get a lot of emails from the company. Do you like it?. With that it was too late. order placed. Many e-mails. This happened about 2 weeks ago and I couldn't figure out how to turn on the power so I thought ok I'll contact the company after all I've had all these emails. lol. It didn't take long for them to answer my question and solve the problem. So, my honest review of this vacuum cleaner. Advantages, the cable rotates by itself, it was easy to disassemble. That's all I can think of. There wasn't anything I liked about him. Cons: This damn thing fell over just looking at it, it was clogged up the entire time. The airflow intake into the glass was in an odd spot that would get clogged even with a light cleaning. I tried blowing it out with an air duct but I couldn't clean it. Actual use of this thing is a nightmare for those doing serious cleaning jobs. Pets, wood heating, etc. It killed my back trying to get it clean and clean in the process. I spent more time in the week making it puke than it sucked. I tried using the bare floor tool but did nothing. getting a refund, something about all those emails. It's been 12 days and still no refund. That's what happens with refunds. Shipping from local UPS store, tracking number available. I look forward to the work week. No return. Tried to email the company, no response. I thought they liked email. Call Revane, they'll write the company. After that I get a response from Great Vacs. ABOUT THE VACUUM CLEANER ORDERED IN NOVEMBER 2016, same brand, different vacuum cleaner (cordless) from another company. It's not the worst, the email said "thank you". Many Thanks? Since then I have received two more emails regarding the same vacuum cleaner which I did not purchase from them. They're all broken and say "thank you". or but. It's not worth the headache. After all this craziness I bought https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005KMDV9A/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and I'm hooked.