The shoes are very cute and my daughter loves them but they run small. She is 8 to 9 years old so I bought a 9 and she wore it for about 20 minutes before refusing to wear it anymore because it was pinching her toes so much. She has narrow feet, so we usually struggle with loose and dangling shoes. If you are between sizes, be sure to order two sizes larger.
Capezio Girls 3800 Mary Jane Tap Shoe in Caramel - Size 11.5 M Toddlers
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Felix Flora Toddler Flower Dress Shoes - Adorable and Comfy Flats
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Slip-Resistant Crib Shoes for Babies: Robeez Soft Soles for Girls and Unisex Toddlers, Ages 0-24 Months
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Dance in Style with Molly Jane Tap Shoes: Unisex-Child Mary Flats
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