No one needs to explain what sewing needles are, and everyone knows what is their importance and necessity in every home. Somehow I bought a couple of packs of needles, but they weren’t very successful, they were kind of blunt, but from one pack, when moisture got on the needles, then they began to rust quietly. But not only such miserable needles I had, and there were still a few good ones from the old antediluvian times. And so it happened that my flap with a whole bunch of needles was gone. In connection with minor repairs, after which a thorough order was put in place, I discovered that this pile of needles had disappeared somewhere. I searched every possible place, but couldn't find it. It feels like he accidentally caught on and landed in the trash. Children would hardly start poking, they are afraid of needles, they are treated very carefully. I was not particularly upset about the loss, as there was an occasion to renew the blunt needles. I bought a couple of packages from the Russian manufacturer "Needle Factory". I chose those that are more expensive, trying the tips with my finger, they seem to be sharp. The manufacturer does not provide any special information, needles are needles, and that's it. From what steel the needles are made, there is also no information - stainless steel or rust from moisture or water. On the manufacturer's website, where these sets of needles are also presented, there is information that the needles are nickel-plated, but for some reason it is not on the packaging itself. Two sets of different numbering - No. 3,4. They differ in the length of the needles, and the size of the ears. In one pack, the needles have longer ears, and in the second, some have long ones, and there are some with a small hole. I rarely use the latter, as they are designed for those holes where a narrow passage is required and where a wide eye needle may not pass. Using needles, I can note that, nevertheless, their tips are not the sharpest, there are also sharper ones, which pass through the fabric like clockwork. But still, the needles are much better compared to those that were. Further, on two needles I noticed a manufacturing defect, irregularities on the rod itself. With a purely visual look, they are invisible, only at the beginning of work, when you take a needle to insert a thread, you feel these irregularities very well, especially with your nails, which seem to stumble into them. So far, this does not seem to affect the quality of the sewing process in any way, but I noticed such a nuance in two needles. I don’t know if the needles will rust if, for example, wet clothes are sewn up, which happens sometimes, or if there is a really high-quality coating, we’ll see. In general, normal needles. The cost of one package is 2r.50kop (75 Russian rubles).
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