Our 10 year old Zester Microplan finally ran out so I took a chance on replacing it. It's cheaper than the Microplane brand, but the final cost was a hoo for me. This thing is sharp enough to do real damage but blunt enough to be dangerous. It takes an incredible amount of force to keep it still while grating/grating, and that amount of force makes it easy to slide with the food. Just dangerously boring and unstable. Wouldn't recommend it. Spend the few bucks more on a better Cester and save money on bandages.
Citrus juicer Kitfort KT-1108, black/silver
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TQVAI 3-Tier Spice Rack Organizer With Pull Out Drawers - 30 Jars And Labels - Perfect For Kitchen Countertops, Cabinets And Pantry - Upgraded Version In White
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Cocktail Shaker, Cocktail Shaker Set, Martini Shaker, Drink Shaker, Bartender Kit 25 Oz Margarita Drink Mixer Christmas Gift, Muddler, Mixing Spoon, Jigger, Liquor Pourers Alcohol Tool Strainer Set
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Geratherm Classic Green Thermometer
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300PCS Pre-Cut Unbleached Parchment Paper Sheets - Perfect For Baking, Grilling, Air Fryer & Steaming!
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SMARTAKE Non-Stick Parchment Paper Roll, 13 In X 164 Ft (177 Sq. Ft) For Baking, Cooking, Air Fryer, Steamer, Kitchen, Cookies, Bread, And More - White Baking Pan Liner
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PME Scriber Needle Modelling Tool, For Cake Decorating, 5.7-Inch
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4 Pack 12 Inch Stainless Steel Round Pizza Baking Pan Tray Crisper Sheet Oven Cooking Healthy For Pizzas - Deedro
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