So, as a bulky, expensive powerbank, it's alright, The capacity definitely seems a little low compared to the advertised rating, but it managed to charge my phone. But my car just started, stalled, and wouldn't start again (so the battery likely isn't that low, after all it did just manage to start the car not ten minutes earlier). Remembered I had bought this a couple months ago, battery charge on this jump starter was reading at 100%, hooked it up to the car after following all the instructions, and.nothing. Wouldn't start, wouldn't do anything. I remembered the button on the jump starter that said to press it if the car was still not starting, so I pressed it, and.still nothing. I've got a 3.8L v6 with a 700amp battery, far from the 8 liter engine it claims to put out 2000amps to start. f you want a powerbank, buy one that isn't this bulky or expensive. If you want a jump starter, buy another one, because this one flat out doesn't work.
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