I've been looking for a good, thick strap for outdoor use for a long time, but it just wasn't worth it. There was a standout one that lasted about 15 years, but it just broke in the end. He got wet and dry so often that he became too formless. Here's what I want to do with it. Kill. It's very thick and I love the little double holes that go all the way through the strap. I can use them to prevent the things I hang on my belt from sliding on it. The metal parts are also very high quality. If I had to pick the weakest point, I'd say it's the stitching that holds the buckle to the belt. It didn't break, I'm just guessing it might go first. I can fix this easily with a small rawhide sewing kit I have. I expect this belt to last a very long time. I look forward to beating him to death. If for any reason this opinion changes, I will come back here and write about it.