I wear size 11 1/2 outdoor shoes. In ASICs I usually use 12 1/2. The shoes seem to fit me and my first fitting was in a sneaker shop with impressive equipment including video analysis and more. These shoes have been my standard since I started running 3 years ago. This is my 4th pair. There have been model changes, but I always take the 1000 series. They offer good support, comfort and breathability and have been recommended to me year after year for counteracting my tendency to internally rotate towards the arch of the foot (overpronation, overpronation) when I run. Technical analyzes (please check) state that they have a reinforced area under the arch of the foot for this purpose. For people like me who want the added benefit, the insole is removable (curved enough for most people) to allow orthotics to be fitted. They don't wear out; I'll just follow the rotation schedule in a year or so. I probably don't drive more than 400 miles a year so I hardly see any signs of wear on them.