Verify the seller (and price) before you buy this item as the latest reviews state. There's a $29 fake in a regular box and a real one that costs $37 in a prettier box with a bow. I bought the cheaper version first as I didn't look at the reviews. When I did, I ordered the original. Luckily one of them was delivered the same day, so I received both on Friday. The seller of the counterfeit version I purchased was "Michaelia Truman" and she was listed as a new seller on Revain with no ratings. The wand was the only item the salesman pointed out to Revain. To date, the seller has no products in the list. To be fair, if you don't care about the box and only care about the wand, the fake isn't bad. It's a little longer than the 'real' one, but appears to be made from a similarly molded resin, and both were solid rather than just a plastic shell. However, a big part of the experience for my 8 year old niece was opening the box, unrolling the ribbon and feeling the high quality velvet. So I'm sending the fake back. If you want a complete package with a nice box, ribbon, and an official certificate stating it's licensed by Warner Brothers, you definitely want the $37 Noble Collection. the differences between the two versions, from the packaging to comparing the sticks.
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