The size is far from it. Please note that I ordered 4 packs in size 14-16. So they all have to be the same size. However, they came in 2 packs with 2 pairs in each bag. Then both bags are sealed with tape. I might care less, but I mention it to draw attention to how oddly they were put together. Bag 1 was sizes 14-16 and 18-20, they seemed to be labeled correctly. In bag 2 were 2 sizes 14-16. But only one fit. As you can see in the photo the gray pair is marked 14-16 and the inner tag says so too but they were tiny I mean 10-12 but maybe even smaller. didn't get what i ordered because quality control obviously doesn't matter but the red ones which are very large fit my son so i thought i'd just give away the little gray pants and leave the rest because the quality of the Materials and how good the stitching seems to be.
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