The drill bit was advertised to dig into the mud of the Texas Gulf Coast to temporarily anchor a jet ski. The connection to the auger was 10 ft. x 2 in. Schedule 80 PVC pipe. A hole was drilled into the base of the auger about halfway up the shaft and threaded through it to allow the PVC to bond to it. I would suggest using 2" galvanized pipe or 2" square tubing as PVC is very flexible. I also used a 2" joint or collar to add strength to the area where the screws entered the auger. It took me about 10 feet as the mud/mud was quite deep and it took me 3 feet to get to more stable ground. I also drilled a hole a few inches from the top of the PVC to insert a piece of rebar through the pipe to drive the drill bit into the ground. This was also reinforced with another collar, glued and drilled. A 2-inch foam insulation was attached to the pipe with cable ties above the waterline to provide some abrasion resistance if the watercraft rubbed against it.