Прежде чем я начну, я хочу сказать, что у меня было не так много стульев в моей жизни, поэтому я не могу сказать, что это лучший или худший стул, который I had. ever owned but in the 6 months or so that I have owned I can say it is definitely not worth the money. In the first 2 months that I've owned it, the cushion was already sunken and felt very uncomfortable at the point I had to put a pillow on top of the cushion to sit comfortably in the chair, I don't use it often, lets say about 1-4 hours 5-6 days a week and I don't weigh much either at 170lbs for a height of 5ft 9in, also just today a few hours before I wrote this review I right clicked Hand on the chair towards me as I locked myself in the chair and tried to get comfortable as I sat down. I didn't really put any weight on my right hand. when it suddenly clicked, as if nothing had happened, it clicked so easily and quickly that I almost jumped from the shock! The screws weren't very tight and I said they fit snugly, making the right hand pretty solid. Not sure why it broke, I think I put too much weight on it but I feel like it actually didn't, but I'm not sure it's worth the money anyway is, imho
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