Installed on 05 R1200GS. The price was right, yes you get what you pay for. But the price was reasonable, the bags are well made and lighter than hard shell bags. The stitching looks solid and the material is such that I'm sure they won't fall apart when the first bits of mud and rain hit it. I had a pair of Ortleib Dry Bag saddlebags on a previous car. SE-3050 are similar in materials and construction. However, the SE-3050's metal buckles made them the best choice for me. And the SE-3050's foldable Velcro straps are slightly longer than the Ortleib's (apparently I don't have them anymore). The included inner bags are a little flimsy, but if you pack them carefully, they should hold up. I had to buy something similar separately for Ortleib bags. I've installed the SE-3050 on Givi trunks so with two front and two back straps on each pocket, these things don't dangle in the wind. And if (not if) I throw the bike away, I can patch any punctures or holes with yellow tape. Try this with a cracked hard plastic saddlebag. By the way, the rear protective pads are larger than the bags themselves, so if you tie the bags to the bike and the rack, you will end up with a small crease on the edges of the corners. I really recommend that you have some sort of post to tie the front and back ends. If you just mount it to the bike without it, the bags will wobble and move when only attached to the frame and seat rails.
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