I wanted a leather case for work. I'm a teacher so I was drawn to the design of this bag, classic and academic. After looking at other similar bags, some costing hundreds of dollars, the only thing that made me hesitate to buy these was the low price! I was skeptical about durability and some reviews had photos that looked questionable. I wanted to wait before writing a review to determine longevity after daily use. It's very well made, with solid hardware and a comfortable strap. Gorgeous, judging by my photos! Everyone at work praises their style. For reviewers complaining about real side straps and no magnets or buttons, I think you're smoking crack. If you can't take two seconds to open a bag, then you're the reason Velcro shoes were invented. I have only positive things to say about this bag. I love it - it's one of those rare values that a consumer can find every now and then. Of course, this was just my personal experience, but I think that's how the review should be. To the good-natured bag maker in the attached personal letter: You have made a great product and I wish you every success.
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