After reading all about these bags, I went through each review carefully. I liked what I read. This bag is the answer to what every person who has ever needed to carry a healthy drink on the go without worrying about spilling it. I ordered 2 sets, one for me and one for my daughter. I opened up a bunch of these bad guys, washed them, and started making smoothies. I read a few reviews that the pleated bottom doesn't open. I just opened the lid and started slowly pouring the smoothie. Under the weight of the liquid, the folded bottom opens. I also put my hand to open before pouring. These bags are so well made I didn't put them in the freezer. The zipper is strong and secure. The bags have not leaked or leaked. My daughter is always in a hurry to get to work and I knew she would love it. The first day she tried them she really didn't have much time and had to bring her son to me. I told her to come over and said I made smoothies the night before, one in the freezer and one in the fridge, and she could have them for breakfast and lunch. I knew seeing how durable these bags were was going to be a real challenge for her because she would toss them in her purse and leave. These bags really are the answer to the drink-on-the-go question. I've even washed them to use them again, hung them upside down to dry, and they worked just like the first time. I recommended them to my sister who also drinks smoothies instead of meals. We will order these again.
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