I bought two of these to replace the left analog stick on two joycons that were drifting. As long as you're careful, the replacement process is pretty simple. As expected, the included screwdrivers are of poor quality and easy to remove. If it breaks off prematurely I would recommend gently sanding the tip with a file or fine sandpaper. Both replacements work great and I plan to update this when/if they start drifting again. Update 6/11/19: The left sticks I replaced still work great. The original right joysticks on both of my joycons also started to drift, so I ordered two more to replace them. I was very pleased to see that the quality of the included screwdrivers has improved a lot. The metal isn't as soft and the screwdrivers have a rotating top that allows you to take the screws out and back in with even force, making it difficult to remove the screw or screwdriver.