Started wheezing after the 5th use. I bought 2 speakers in different stores and both wheezed. At first the sound was clear, but there was a slight smell of burnt plastic. The volume in the speakers never twisted more than 1/3. The red "CLIP" lights came on a couple of times, but not for a couple of seconds longer. I took one column for repair, the master conjured for a long time, changed something there, but nothing helped and I didn’t hear a specific diagnosis either. I don't know, maybe the master is not experienced. I will try to repair the second one under warranty, but something tells me that they will tell me that this is not a warranty case :-\ In general, I do not advise. Now I have a behringer eurolive b215d column and I will tell you the sound is much better and does not break.
I hope the photos I added give a better idea of what I'm talking about in my review.