I've bought several pairs of these shoes and they seem to last longer than most shoes, although that's NOT saying much. They are potentially dangerous if you run due to their "small footprint" which can very easily lead to twisted ankles. However, if you have light feet and want to look cool then I found them to be quite durable (a couple of months, and again it's not very long! but maybe a little more durable than other shoes), and being a former kart racer I've found that I could wear their little "splint print" with less risk of spraining my ankle than maybe most! they fit me better than other shoes and as long as you walk carefully (they are a bit like high heels with a smaller footprint than shoes with a wider foot) they are very cool. I feel like I can dance in them confidently enough, so I buy them to look cool and keep a decent time and feel pretty comfortable in them.