These bags are an excellent buy. They are of good acceptable thickness for shipping soft-goods, and they are light enough to safe you some money on weight for shipping. The bag have a peel-off strip that is very sticky that will seal the bag very well. These are not Tyvek bags, but they are a good strong plastic shipping bag. I've never had any problems with shipping anything I've put in the bag and having the bag rip or damaged upon arrival. The price is excellent for the amount of bags you get. Check the size and the quantity. If an extra ounce is not an issue, sometimes the next size up is cheaper. I could have gotten the 6x9 bags, but I ordered the 7.5x10.5 bags because they were way cheaper and the extra ounce on the bag weight was negligible on weight and I saved a good amount doing that. I definitely recommend these shipping bags. I have Best Buy Prime and the Free 2-day shipping is great not having to pay the shipping for them.
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