I've been diving and using computers for a long time. This is the strength multiplier. Readers are not required, I am 61 years old. It's bright and reliable. An advice. If you add a second transmitter to your first stage for redundancy, both transmitters will be turned off from time to time for up to 29 minutes. I was able to use my old transmitter from my previous computer. I know there are people who say you can't, their information is inaccurate. It easily streams your dives to your smartphone via Bluetooth, and you see every detail of the dive, minute by minute, water temperature, depth, etc. I would buy it just for the watch. My wife loves hers too. I have to add a caveat. After being active I started having problems with a lost transmitter. The solution is to remove the battery from the transmitter for five minutes and then put it back in. Check the channel number and you're done. I dreamed that Shearwater would get into the BC business and then my dive ensemble would be complete. Really wonderful product
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