Well, I wasn't expecting much from a 10 dollar counter. I got it and tested it at home with a whole bunch of things. Various batteries, computer power supply, various resistors/pots, 120V AC mains and various low current loads. And it's amazingly accurate! I later took it to work, tested it on a desktop power supply, and compared it to half a dozen other multimeters (benchtop and handheld), and while it's clearly not as accurate as its more expensive brethren, it gets the job done! There's no auto-ranging and the rubber material stunk for a while. But it's worth it. Update: I did some more testing. This little instrument is perfect for measuring DC voltage/current and resistance. However, he has some problems. AC measurement is slightly off. That's decent for baseball numbers, but not very accurate from what I've seen so far. There is also a significant delay in activating the continuity buzzer. In most cases counters react immediately. However, this counter has a delay of about half a second. A little annoying. Finally, the test signal for this meter is out of specification in terms of voltage. Between three properly calibrated oscilloscopes, this meter puts out a good 50Hz, but well below the voltage specification. Still, not a bad meter for $10! Update #2: One thing I forgot is to take it apart and check the circuitry. And also. it's not great The fuse is set for the mA range but not the 10A range. So the thing will probably work if you connect it to a high voltage short. In addition, there are some issues with trace leaks. In some places the creepage distance between the voltage input and the common wire is less than 1mm, which is not very good to say the least. Even after a few more tests with the function generator, this is an average reading and not a true RMS value. So if you're new to electronics and looking for a nice little meter to get you started, this is a good low voltage choice. I wouldn't advise using this for anything that is line voltage or capable of outputting many amps simply due to the lack of a 10A input fuse and creepage path.
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