Explaining the Goldilocks Theme. I've been trying to find a good pair of Slippers, to reast my Weary feet aftter working 2 jobs on my feet most of the day at one w/ kids at recess, so wanted to try the Memory Foam Gel type. The 1st pair were Moccasin style they were "Too Hard" & felt like outdoor shoes, returned them, this time I tried these Izods, wore them over the weekend on carpet & foot already slides to the side, "Too soft & Too hot", its summertime, but probably cant return them because already deformed, sides have spread out, so guess I'll take the lost. Wish I could find a Pair that's "JUST RIGHT". Maybe for some these would be comfy, if your light weighed & very have cold, slimmer feet but for me at 6'1" 245 size 12 feet neither have worked. Frustrating, its just slippers. The Search Continues or maybe will just stop.