I'm glad I waited for the review of these shoes. I would like to emphasize that this is the second pair of Zoom shoes that I have purchased. I liked the first pair, had no problems, so bought the second pair. The packaging and delivery of the product was excellent. The shoes originally fit and wore the same as the first pair. However, I noticed that I occasionally had a sharp pain on the left shoe, on the inside where the heel sits. I thought there was a sticker or something in my boot or sock but I couldn't find it. After a few days I noticed that there was a hard piece of plastic supporting the heel that was now for some reason pressing against me and causing pain. This only started last week, so it takes a while for this issue to appear. I don't walk in these shoes, but I wear them casually. Having only had them for a short time I am disappointed with this issue as the shoes cost over $200 a pair. I had to put on a gauze pad and medicated band-aid so I could keep wearing her. Really a bummer.