Revane said it was a great product and I gave it a try. This is a great product. It works well and I have no issues with the material or the way the helmet sits on my head. It's durable, safe and I won't be testing the limits of convenience. I bought this product to easily put the helmet on and enjoy the feel of the helmet. I didn't buy it to see if it could withstand 800 pounds of force. THIS IS ALLOWED. The helmet feels solid, reliable and safe. He never went out and kept the helmet in place; Make sure you get a helmet that fits. Likewise, it can be easily removed by personnel in an emergency, or no hydraulic tools are required to remove it. I've been using velcro helmet attachment methods for years and at high speed, wear or fall hasn't been an issue. It's more secure than velcro; how fast or faster. I also grabbed the buckle and "pulled" it to see if the tolerance was "loose" or felt ductile, but it wasn't. You can grab the helmet and try to rip it off your head, it won't work. simplicity and ease of use; that's the key.
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