Taken a picture with a Canon 60d. The moment I used an SLR camera that had a whale lens attached to it, I could immediately tell the difference. In general, I am satisfied, however I am considering of taking an Elka. Has some pros - a constant aperture across the full range of focal lengths (aperture 2.8) - for which I took - less expensive than equivalents - pretty crisp, quickly focuses, the first copy was missing front and back focus - hood for the lens is included Has certain drawbacks - personally, the color reproduction is not the best (it's not about "yellowness," which does not show with the appropriate white balance, but rather about the richness and contrast of colors), but overall, it's a great product. While taking photos with a Canon 50 ef/1.8 lens, the color spectrum is more attractive, yet the lens only costs about $3,000 to purchase. - Expensive, but less expensive than their analogue counterparts (actually saved) - Expensive filters (large lens diameter, and as a result, the high cost of filters) - The focusing rings and focal adjustments are accomplished using a small reflex, the lens gets dirty, it's difficult to wipe, and I had to purchase cleaners.
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Nikon 35mm f/1.8G Auto Focus Lens for Nikon DSLR Cameras - Black (Model 2183)
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