For a while I thought about buying a pair of flip flops to keep on the doorstep. The idea is to have an outdoor shoe that's easy to put on when I need to go for a short hike in the great outdoors, as I usually wear slippers around the house. These Gifennse shoes looked like they would get the job done, despite being more formal than required for the purpose. I'm a US size 12 medium and ordered a size 12 (I didn't have a choice of narrow, medium or wide). The pair of shoes that arrived are US size 12, but the attached photo shows that the Gifennse shoes are noticeably longer than my size 12 slippers, the latter fitting my feet well. Giftense shoes have long, narrow toes, although human feet do not have this shape. The feeling of tucking your toes into these tight socks is uncomfortable, and the long length of these boots results in a poor fit. However, with shorter shoes, the toes would rest more on narrow socks, which would be even more uncomfortable. The shoes are also quite hard and uncomfortable to the touch, but I suppose they would soften a bit with use. My wife finds her long, pointy fingers unaesthetic. These shoes are ok if I need to put something on my feet, want to get something from our detached garage, but I don't want to wear these shoes for hours. I will end this review with a call to shoemakers: please study the shape and geometry of human feet, and then make shoes in the shape of human feet!
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