In short things from my point of view. My door to the office - holds - perfectly. After all, he is NOT to be broken out with a crowbar. And in order to pull - and understand that it is closed. Pros: works like clockwork. Registering in a new application is difficult or impossible. To sign up - download slightly older versions on w3bsit3-dns. Com - things will go more cheerfully. There is toggle-mode/ What is not written anywhere. This is not when, by default, he has a cycle - opened. And after 2 sec. closed. And when it opened. And waits for the next button press and then closes. About this - ANYWHERE I simply did not find and did not read. Randomly. A long press on the open-close button in the application gives rise to a mode selection. Good luck . comrades! 100 cycles - the standard battery that came with the kit - still shows 100%. It's been 2 or even 3 weeks. Has some cons: Chinese language on the manufacturer's website in your personal account - but you can easily get by with the choice of auto-translation in the browser.