Well after reading most of the reviews on this little caliper I was compelled to do it myself. This is a great tool for what it is. I researched the information and was more than happy when it came out. It's perfect for what I use it for. First, it's very light and compact, and I carry it in my protective pouch along with four other Go To tools: a scriber, center punch, 6-inch ruler, and retractable magnet. First the PROS: It's accurate, the literature isn't entirely clear, but it reads up to 0.0005 inches, not entirely accurate in use of course, but certainly within a few thousandths, the reading is slightly different to account for fractions Readings, but once you get used to it, it's not difficult to interpret, the last two digits are just smaller, ie X.XXXX in decimal inch mode. You can disable this! I know it sounds silly but many cheaper digital calipers claim to use so little power that they just leave them on all the time, true, battery life is short but not with this little guy! As I said before, it's lightweight and compact. I don't show it, but there is a pocket clip attached to the back of the readhead that comes with the kit. matured in a very nice plastic case with foam. Well, CONS - well, not really because these features add weight and bulk, but things to note: There's no depth rod, so you can't measure the depth of a hole, for example. There is no thumb roll, many people think that the lack of this feature disrupts the game, the truth is that with such a small caliper it will be difficult for you to use the thumb roll comfortably. No locking screw. That being said, it's a great little caliper if you want to keep it in your shirt pocket or have it handy when you need to take a few measurements. If you're looking for the best deal on a ONE caliper that meets all your needs, this isn't the one you need. Keep looking, you can find a good 6 inch caliper for maybe less, stainless steel with hardened jaws.