These are really nice, versatile shoes. The quality of leather, stitching, soles, etc. is as it should be for such shoes, with one exception - one of the ends of the penny loafer strap protruded laterally from under the toe of the shoe. Luckily it was easy to cut with sharp scissors, which is fine. Other than that, these are beautifully made shoes. Pebble leather looks great and wears jeans very easily. Driver style heels are always welcome in any shoe if you drive a lot. However, the size was too big. I'm a size 10 and it was too big. Luckily another family member wears a size 11-11.5 and it fits him perfectly so he got it instead of the one originally meant to be! Not sure if this is the same for all sizes but definitely for the pair I received. Verdict: These are nice updated penny loafers, but worth checking the seller's sizing chart for them.