Overall I would recommend this product if you are looking for a smaller table that would look good in any room. The table is very easy to assemble and very durable. The legs are far apart so you can sit comfortably even with more than 4 chairs. The product is well packaged and the assembly instructions are clear. However, given how easy it is to assemble the table, be careful not to over-tighten the screws that attach the table top to the legs. I tightened them until the Allen key would not turn, which caused the wood to split a bit around the holes under the countertop. However, chipping is only noticeable when you completely remove the countertop. Meanwhile, stripping the other screws didn't damage any other part of the table. In short, as long as you follow the instructions and make sure the table is secure (rather than trying to make it unbreakable) reassembly isn't much of a problem, if any. Aside from the table itself, the seller's fast and reliable customer service made me happy to purchase this item. At some point during the shipping process, the tabletop was damaged, resulting in deep, dark scratches. They found damage and contacted the seller about it and quickly exchanged the table. I don't think shipping damage like the one I've experienced happens all that often, but I appreciate the seller's understanding of the issue and how quickly they resolved it. Since any item can be damaged in transit, simply knowing that the seller provides reliable and prompt customer service takes a lot of the stress out of buying new furniture.
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