Recently, my wife and I decided to update our sneakers, but since we are not attached to certain TMs, we decided to buy Asics sneakers. Before that, I had only heard about this company, and I saw crosses from one friend. So the sneakers that I bought have a classic look, you can say old school. Sneakers have their own sole which consists of ethylene vinyl acetate, gel and rubber. In general, the outsole itself is quite hard, and the layer is moderately soft. The outsole also has a rather aggressive tread pattern. These shoes are considered to be running shoes, but apparently on country roads, the grip will be good. Almost trekking, but they are not waterproof, there is still a mesh in front, of course, not like running shoes, but there is ventilation. Sneakers, I would say soft, not oak where necessary. In the area of the heel, the body of the sneaker is rigid. This model is relatively new, as far as I understand Gel Venture 8, my wife bought the previous model seventh, and so there are still differences. The eighth model is softer, and as the manufacturer says, the sneakers have become even more reliable. The sneakers seem to be branded, but the glue can be seen, since the sole is glued, this can also be seen on the sneakers of other TMs. And the molding of the sole is not perfect. Asics, if I'm not mistaken, is a Japanese brand, but apparently the Japanese are too lazy to make sneakers and they hired the Vietnamese. What I especially didn’t like was the laces, they are too thin, frail, I haven’t seen them anywhere for a long time. And I like the shoes, they are comfortable. Although sneakers of different TMs may be made at the same factory in Vietnam, but they have their own different features, so these shoes are good in their own way. Probably not worth buying for running, as there are sneakers that are better suited for running. My daughter is a runner, so we gave her Asics wife's crosses for testing, who ran 10 km in them, she appreciated them, but said that her Nike is still better. Well, for a comfortable fast walk, Asics is what you need. Sneakers are not the cheapest without a promotion, the price of 4-5 thousand rubles cost me 3300 rubles thanks to bonuses and cashback, but for such a price they are quite good. Well, for a comfortable fast walk, Asics is what you need. Sneakers are not the cheapest without a promotion, the price of 4-5 thousand rubles cost me 3300 rubles thanks to bonuses and cashback, but for such a price they are quite good. Well, for a comfortable fast walk, Asics is what you need. Sneakers are not the cheapest without a promotion, the price of 4-5 thousand rubles cost me 3300 rubles thanks to bonuses and cashback, but for such a price they are quite good.
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