That I can use any image from kaboompics without buying or paying anything to download it's great! It saves me time (and money) by not having to do all things myself. Sometimes you're using an image that looks like someone else used it first so they get credit when really you've been using their work for years (or even decades). But if you don't know this going in then you won't know. If you just need something to go into your blog right now - without spending too much - then you should consider using images from as no cost images are perfect. I love the design of the site and how easy it is to navigate. I also like how easy it is to find the images I am looking for. I do not like that I have to pay to download the images. I wish there was a way to download the images for free. I also wish I could see more images at once. I use KaboomPics to find images for my blog. I also use it to find images for my social media.