Я заказал их из-за тепла, но в основном из-за влагоотводящих свойств, так как я каждый день на ногах иду по бетону Work. In terms of thickness, they really need to be very dense to stay in place without wrinkling or binding (calling them lightweight since they're 81% wool is a misnomer). Ordered medium according to the sizing chart and found they were too big/loose; Then I washed them warm and dried them hot ---> they didn't shrink at all or too much to wear in work boots. I have a long, slim midfoot (women's shoe size 7-7.5), so I ordered medium. Since they are so thick/loose I'm not sure if shrinking them down would have helped. I can't wear them in regular casual shoes; but it will likely require tight and secure footwear to allow the socks to stay in place. They are very soft and make cozy house slippers to lie down on on a cold day. Comfort is key. :)
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