They worked great at first. I would say that for a cross country trip with 2 and 5 year old boys this attitude is imperative. If I had reviewed it right away, I'm sure my rating would have been higher. Unfortunately they have been installed in my car for about 5000 miles now and they are both falling apart. The passenger side is ready for the trash. It rattles and creates unnecessary noise in the car to the point where you have to turn on the stereo to keep it from being bothered by the rumble. He can't skip the DVD preview because even without hitting the car, his own rumble is enough to make him jump to the beginning of the DVD and back. The one behind the driver's seat where my 2 year old sits still works. I turn on the movie and go through the preview to the main title and then start moving. Normally it still plays when we arrive at the destination, but with the same problem. A single pothole in the road brings it back to preview and stops at the main menu causing my two year old to start winning and crying and I can't do anything about it because I'm driving. I'm usually better off just leaving the item and handing him the toy at the beginning of the journey. If I have time one of these weekends after it gets cold outside I'll probably remove them from my 2013 Chrysler 200 Limited and throw them in the trash.
📺 Портативный DVD-плеер HDJUNTUNKOR 12,5 дюйма с поворотным HD-дисплеем, батареей на 5 часов, поддержкой CD/DVD/SD/USB, футляром для установки на подголовник автомобиля, зарядным устройством
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