I actually purchased it since the wet cleaning of the flooring caused some sort of seismic upheaval here. Yes, it cleanses the floors more effectively than the Xiaomi vacuum cleaner, and you don't have to remove the rag or change the tank after every cleaning. In general, if he goes to wash the floors every day, he manages this duty, but it's more likely that he doesn't know how to do it than that he does. Integration of smart homes is a big letdown. You cannot direct a voice to clean a certain room in a particular mode. You aren't even able to create any intriguing settings inside Mi Home. Only as part of the vacuum cleaner's internal cleaning timer settings, which is OK but I had hoped for more. I had a concern that many people have as well: can the floor cleaner be filled in. The official response is "no"; if there is a breakdown, you will be solely responsible. However, based on the findings of our tests and those of other researchers, it is feasible under the following circumstances: a) The agent should have the same consistency as water. b) The product ought to either not foam at all or foam only a little. One more intriguing point. Roborock will easily quadruple the size of your room if your wardrobe has mirror-doors. Only virtually. In conclusion, I want to know if it's worth the money, so please answer that. In my opinion, the answer is actually no. In comparison to earlier models, I didn't notice any significant advancements (a cleaning station for $20,000 is hardly a "evolution"), nor did I notice any significant advancements over my old robot vacuum cleaner, which is around three times cheaper for a minute. Yes, a tiny bit better. Yes, a large tank The cloth is raised by 1 cm. From my perspective, Vibra Sense is just a marketing gimmick. reminiscent of goat's milk Is everything said above worth $20,000 compared to a vacuum cleaner, which costs $10–$13? No. But I can't say it was a horrible or pointless buy, which is why I'm embarrassed.