Warning! The maps are frustratingly outdated - even after the update. The updates have actually moved the super destination I shop a mile from where it was on the previous map. And I've been able to turn left off 22nd Street at COSTCO in Oak Brook for years, but my tom tom and Garmin still haven't heard the news. When Garmin suggests you save time in Chicago by choosing lanes over freeways, add 5 minutes of driving time per mile. In most cases you will find that you could save time by staying on the freeway. Your programmers apparently never traveled around Chicago: there are often inconvenient streetlights and traffic jams. Their algorithms assume the best case of NO MOTION and ONLY GREEN LIGHT. And treat traffic data with care. It will say DELAY, then CLEAN, then VERY BAD DELAY - all within minutes. And you never know what to expect. I don't know if any GPS device is perfect, but one would think that Gramin could do a better job in this mature standalone GPS market.
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