For half a year I walked around Dyson and two things confused me: of course, the price and reviews on the market, which are more like sectarians. What can I say - now I am also a sectarian, but first things first. The cost bites, you know it even without me, so I considered all options in general, in particular, buying abroad. For example, in the USA, you can meet about 30 sput if there is someone who will deliver it with an opportunity. The only difference is that they do not include a brush for upholstered furniture. For me, this turned out to be one of the decisive factors and completely in vain - it is easy to clean with a standard one. Stress tests: On the very first evening, my wife and I experienced the "wow effect" twice. The first time when the rug at the front door looked like it had just been bought, and the second time when the daughter's mattress was vacuumed in turbo mode - in a couple of minutes, collecting a full container of dust. Negative points: Task - the cats knocked over a flower pot on a carpet with a long pile. The miracle vacuum cleaner did an excellent job with the dust between the villi, and the earth simply moved to the edges with a brush. Disappointment! The task is to clean the PC case from dust, as it is written in the advertisement on the site. Considering that we only have a narrow straight nozzle from the tools, the process turns into torment - you can’t crawl into the corners, and the cooler radiator grille doesn’t lend itself even to a turbo. Contactless container emptying - 1 out of 3 cleanings is the need to reach in with your hand to pull out matted hair. But I'm already picking on this. From little things: - the device is quite heavy. I planned that the children would also take care of the cleaning, but alas, they do not have enough strength. This is the price for the time of work, nothing to be done. - my main mode is medium, the quality is slightly worse than wet cleaning - I checked it by touch. Life hack: The manufacturer pursues a completely inhumane pricing policy for the purchase of special stages for vacuum cleaners - 3 tyr apiece. Colleagues, do not hesitate to use the famous Chinese service - everything fits perfectly. To sum it up, happy with the purchase. Cleaning now brings pleasure, and this in itself is very valuable.