I live this bit, works on my CNC, has a 1/4 shank, flies through wood and 1/2 depth of cut is really necessary. My favorite piece, this one and the shorter one. I love Amana beats!
I use it with a wood carving router. I was a little apprehensive about using the 1/16" bit for the harder maple. But it works great on maple, walnut, pine, and purple hearts. You'll probably get about three or four hours of use with it and it's still as sharp and clean as the first cut.
Worked great until accidentally broke in the middle of a cut on the first project I used. I used all of Amana's recommendations for settings and just cut MDF. Unfortunately, Amana didn't help either. They contacted me and asked me to send them all the details of the project and I haven't had a reply from them since, which was a few weeks ago, but I think it's because they left themselves on their website , as they say they can." t guaranteed against breakage on their smaller bits.