Description of π³ Bios Memorial Pet Urn: Transforming Death into Life with Nature. Grow a Tree with Love - 100% Biodegradable for Dogs, Cats, Birds, Horses, and Small Animals
WHAT IS THE BIOS URN? - Urna Bios is a biodegradable urn, designed to turn the ashes of your pet into a tree (pine tree seeds included). Heaven sent for dogs and cats, but many of our customers use their Bios Urn for their horse, hamsters, mice, reptiles, fish, Guinea pigs, Snakes, Iguanas and Ferret creamation remains. Thanks to its proprietary design, the urn provides proper germination and growth of any tree or plant of your choosing. The perfect pet memorial, far better than a memorial box. WHAT IS THE URNS PURPOSE? - The intent of this Bio Urn for humans is to offer users an alternative for remembering their Loved One in a natural, sustainable fashion, thereby turning the "death" process into regeneration and transformation. Your urn becomes a positive, growing tribute for your family that will allow their memory and story to continue on and on. A Tribute to be shared with friends and family. WHY LESS IS BETTER - Both the product and its function imply an environmental, social and economic improvement. It leaves no trace of identification that it has been used. other than a tree of life. While pet memorial jewelry, pet memorial picture frames, personalized pet memorials, pet memorial markers, pet memorial plaques, memorial dog ornaments, and cat memorial statues have their place. the Bios Urn is simple. It's perfect. Less, but better. WHY OUR CUSTOMERS LOVE US - Explore Rainbow Bridge Pet Memorials, Near & Dear Pet Memorials, Angel Star, Best Friend Services, Cathedral Art, Perfect Memorials, Grasslands Road, UrnsDirect2U. there are many good choices, but which is best for your pet? Read our reviews and discover why our customers prefer returning their loved ones to nature. EVEN YOUR PET WOULD APPROVE - Your Earth friendly Pet Urn is perfectly sized to receive most ashes, allowing them to be lovingly reborn through nature. Be creative and include your pets pictures, collars, hair clippings and other keepsakes within your Bios urn. this personalized pet memorial will honor your pets life. Begin to heal by transforming your grief into a return to life with a living pet memorial in your garden.